Webster's English Dictionary

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con.jure \in vt 2 & vi senses 'ka:n-j*r also 'k*n-; in vt 1 sense k\ 
   \'ka:nj-(*-)rin, 'k*nj-; k*n-'ju.(*)r-in\ vb or con.jur.ing [ME conjuren, 
   fr. OF conjurer fr. L conjurare to swear togeth]*n-'ju.(*)rer, fr. com- + 
   jurare to swear 1: to charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly  2a: to 
   summon by invocation or incantation  2b1: to affect or effect by or as if 
   by magic  2b2: IMAGINE, CONTRIVE  1a: to summon a devil or spirit by 
   invocation or incantation  1b: to practice magical arts  2: to use a 
   conjurer's tricks