Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assume                
1. af.fect \'af-.ekt\ n [L affectus, fr. affectus, pp.] obs  1: FEELING, 
   AFFECTION  2: the conscious subjective aspect of an emotion considered 
   apart from bodi ly changes
2. af.fect \*-'fekt, a-\ vb [MF & L; MF affecter, fr. L affectare, fr. 
   affectus, pp. of (Xafficere to influence, fr. ad- + facere to do - more at 
   DO archaic  1: to aim at  archaic  2a: to have affection for  2b: to be 
   given to : FANCY {~ flashy clothes}  3: to make a display of liking or 
   using : CULTIVATE {~ a w orldly manner} 4: to put on pretense of : FEIGN {~ 
   indifference, though d eeply hurt} 5: to tend toward {drops of water ~ 
   roundness}  6: FREQUENT  obs  : INCLINE 
3. af.fect \*-'fekt, a-\ vt 1: to produce an effect upon  2: to produce a 
   material influence upon or alteration in  3: to make an impression on : 
   INFLUENCE M applies to the acting of a stimulus strong enough to produce a 
   noticeable response or reaction or modification usu. without a radical 
   change; INFLUENCE presupposes an agent or agency that acts so as to change 
   in some degree one's nature, character, or behavior; TOUCH may suggest 
   forceful or emotional stirring, arousing, or impinging on; IMPRESS suggests 
   a deep or lasting effect; SWAY implies the acting of influences that are 
   not resisted or are irresistible, with resulting change in character or