Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dev.il \'dev-*l\ n [ME devel, fr. OE de-ofol, fr. LL diabolus, fr. Gk 
   diab]olos, lit., slanderer, fr. diaballein to throw across, slander, fr. 
   dia- + ballein to throw; akin to OHG quellan to well, gush often cap  1: 
   the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Jewish and Chri 
   stian belief as the tempter of mankind, the leader of all apostate angels, 
   and ruler of hell - often used with the as a mild imprecation or expression 
   of surprise, vexation, or emphasis 2: DEMON  3a: an extremely and 
   malignantly wicked person : FIEND  archaic  3b: a great evil  4: a person 
   of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit  5a: a person in a 
   pitiable position or condition - usu. used with poor  5b: PRINTER'S DEVIL  
   6: something very provoking, difficult, or trying  7: any of various 
   machines or devices  Christian science  8: the opposite of Truth : a belief 
   in sin, sickness, and death : EV IL, ERROR
2. devil \'dev-(*-)lin\ vb or dev.iled or dev.illed;  or dev.il.ing;  or 
   dev.il.ling 1: TEASE, ANNOY  2: to chop (food) fine and highly season {~ed 
   eggs}  3: to tear to pieces in a devil {~ rags}  : to serve or function as 
   a devil