swear \'swa(*)r, 'swe(*)r\ \'swo-(*)r, 'swo.(*)r\ \'swo-(*)rn, 'swo.(*)rn\
vb or swore; or sworn or swear.ing [ME sweren, fr. OE swerian; akin to OHG
swerien to swear, Rus]s svara altercation 1: to utter to take solemnly (an
oath) 2a: to assert as true or promise under oath 2b: to assert or
promise emphatically or earnestly 3a: to put to an oath : administer an
oath to 3b: to bind by an oath obs 4: to invoke the name of (a sacred
being) in an oath 5: to bring into a specified state by swearing {swore
his life awa y} 1: to take an oath 2: to use profane or obscene language :
CURSE 1: to take an oath by {swear by Apollo} 2: to be sure of the
existence of : be barely positive of - used in the phrase enough to swear
by 3: to place great confidence in : to answer for : GUARANTEE : to vow
to abstain from : RENOUNCE - swear.er n