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sum.mon \'s*m-*n\ \-(*-)nin\ \-(*-)n*r\ vt or sum.mon.ing [ME somonen, fr. 
   OF somondre, fr. (assumed) VL summonere, alt]er. of L summone-re to remind 
   secretly, fr. sub- secretly + mone-re to warn - more at SUB-, MIND 1: to 
   issue a call to convene : CONVOKE  2: to command by service of a summons to 
   appear in court  3: to call upon for specified action {~ one to be in 
   readiness}  4: to bid to come : send for {~ a physician}  5: to call forth 
   : EVOKE MUSTER mean to demand the presence of. SUMMON specif. implies the 
   exercise of authority; CALL may be used less formally for SUMMON; CITE 
   implies a summoning to court usu. to answer a charge; CONVOKE implies a 
   summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes; CONVENE is 
   somewhat less formal than CONVOKE; MUSTER suggests a calling up or calling 
   out of troops or a ship's company as for action, inspection, or parade and 
   may connote a gathering of strength or courage - sum.mon.er n SYN syn