Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. devote                
1. con.se.crate \'ka:n(t)-s*-.kra-t\ aj : CONSECRATED, HALLOWED 
2. consecrate \-.kra-t-iv\ \'ka:n(t)-s*-kr*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vt [ME 
   consecraten, fr. L consecratus, pp. of consecrare, fr. Xcom- + sacrare to 
   consecrate - more at SACRED 1: to induct (a person) into a permanent office 
   with a religious rite;  specif : to ordain to the office of bishop 2a: to 
   make or declare sacred; specif : to devote irrevocably to t he worship of 
   God by a solemn ceremony 2b: to devote to a purpose with deep solemnity or 
   dedication  3: to make inviolate or venerable {rules consecrated by time}  
   - con.se.cra.tive aj