Webster's English Dictionary

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con.ver.sion \k*n-'v*r-zh*n, -sh*n\ \-'v*rzh-n*l, -'v*rsh-, -*n-*l\ n [ME, 
   fr. MF, fr. L conversion-, conversio, fr. conversus, pp.] of convertere 1: 
   the act of converting : the process of being converted  2: an experience 
   associated with a definite and decisive adoption of religi on 3a: 
   interchange of the terms of a logical proposition  3b: reduction of a 
   mathematical expression by clearing of fractions  4: the making of a score 
   on a try for point after touchdown in football or  a free throw in 
   basketball 5: something converted from one use to another  - 
   con.ver.sion.al aj