Webster's English Dictionary

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1. score \'sko-(*)r, 'sko.(*)r\ n or scores or score [ME scor, fr. ON skor 
   notch, tally, twenty; akin to OE scieran pl X to cut - more at SHEAR 1a: 
   TWENTY  1b: a group of 20 things - often used in combination with a 
   cardinal numb er {fivescore} pl  1c: a group of an indefinite large number  
   2a: a line made with or as if with a sharp instrument : INCISION  2b1: a 
   mark used as a starting point or goal by traffic  2b2: one used for keeping 
   account  3a: an account or reckoning kept by making marks on a tally  3b: 
   ACCOUNT  3c: amount due : INDEBTEDNESS  4: an obligation or injury kept in 
   mind for requital : GRUDGE  5a: REASON, GROUND  5b: SUBJECT, TOPIC  6a: the 
   copy of a musical composition in written or printed notation  6b: a musical 
   composition; specif : the music for a movie or theatr ical production 6c: a 
   complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation  7a: 
   a number that expresses accomplishment (as in a game or test) or excell 
   ence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to 
   a standard 7b: the making of a score : HIT  8: the stark inescapable facts 
   of a situation 
2. score vt 1a: to keep a record or account of by or as if by notches on a 
   tally : (MRECORD 1b: to enter in a record  1c: to mark with significant 
   lines or notches (as in keeping account)  2: to mark with lines, grooves, 
   scratches, or notches  3: BERATE, SCOLD  4a1: to gain for addition to the 
   score {~ a run}  4a2: to enable (a base runner) to make a score  4b: to 
   have as a value in a game or contest : COUNT {touchdown (R@s six points} 
   4c: ACHIEVE, WIN  5: to determine the merit of : GRADE  6a: to write or 
   arrange (music) for a specific performance medium  6b: to make an 
   orchestration of  6c: to compose a score for (a movie)  1: to keep score in 
   a game or contest  2: to make a count as a score in or as if in a game : 
   TALLY  3a: to gain or have the advantage  3b: to be successful  3c: RATE  - 
   scor.er n