Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. advice                 2. lawyer                
1. coun.sel \'kau.n(t)-s*l\ n [ME conseil, fr. OF, fr. L consilium, fr. 
   consulere to consul]t 1a: advice given esp. as a result of consultation  
   1b: a policy or plan of action or behavior  2: DELIBERATION, CONSULTATION  
   archaic  3a: PURPOSE  3b: guarded thoughts or intentions  pl counsel  4a1: 
   a lawyer engaged in the trial or management of a case in court  4a2: a 
   lawyer appointed to advise and represent in legal matters an individ ual 
   client or a corporate and esp. a public body 4b: CONSULTANT 
2. counsel \'-s(*-)lin\ vb or coun.seled or coun.selled;  or coun.sel.ing;  
   or coun.sel.ling : ADVISE,  : CONSULT