Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cur.ry \'k*r-e-, 'k*-re-\ \-'fa--v*r\ vt [ME currayen, fr. OF correer to 
   prepare, curry, fr. (assumed) VL  [ME currayen favel to curry a chestnut 
   horse]Xconredare, fr. L com- + a base of Gmc origin 1: to dress the coat of 
   with a currycomb  2: to treat (tanned leather) esp. by incorporating oil or 
   grease  3: BEAT, THRASH  : to seek to gain favor by flattery or attentions  
   - curry favor 
2. cur.ry also cur.rie \'k*r-e-, 'k*-re-\ n [Tamil-Malayalam kari] 1: CURRY 
   POWDER  2: a food seasoned with curry powder 
3. curry vt : to flavor or cook with curry