Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cook \'ku.k\ n [ME, fr. OE co-c; akin to OHG koch; both fr. a 
   prehistoric WGmc]word borrowed fr. L coquus, fr. coquere to cook; akin to 
   OE a-figen fried, Gk pessein to cook 1: one who prepares food for eating  
   2: a technical or industrial process comparable to cooking food; also  : a 
   substance so processed
2. cook vi 1: to prepare food for eating  2: to undergo the action of being 
   cooked  3: OCCUR, HAPPEN  1: CONCOCT, IMPROVISE {~ed up a scheme}  2: to 
   prepare for eating by a heating process  3: FALSIFY, DOCTOR  4: to subject 
   to the action of heat or fire  : to ruin (one) irretrievably  - cook.er n