Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dress \'dres\ vb [ME dressen, fr. MF dresser, fr. (assumed) VL 
   directiare, fr.] L directus direct, pp. of dirigere to direct, fr. dis- + 
   regere to lead straight - more at RIGHT 1a: to make or set straight  1b: to 
   arrange (as troops) in a straight line and at proper intervals  archaic  2: 
   to dress down  3a: to put clothes on  3b: to provide with clothing  4: to 
   add decorative details or accessories to : EMBELLISH  5: to put in order 
   for use or service  6a: to apply dressings or medicaments to  6b1: to 
   arrange (the hair) by combing, brushing, or curling  6b2: to groom and 
   curry (an animal)  6c1: to kill and prepare for market  6c2: CULTIVATE, 
   TEND; esp : to apply manure or fertili zer to 1a: to put on clothing  1b: 
   to put on or wear formal, elaborate, or fancy clothes  of a food animal  2: 
   to weigh after being dressed  3: to align oneself with the next soldier in 
   a line to make the line strai ght 1: to ornament a ship while in port by 
   hoisting national ensigns at the ma stheads and running a line of signal 
   flags and pennants from bow to stern 2: to ornament a ship by hoisting 
   national ensigns at the mastheads and th e ship's largest ensign at the 
   flagstaff - dress ship 
2. dress n 1: APPAREL, CLOTHING  2: an outer garment for a woman or child : 
   FROCK  3: covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a 
   particul ar time 4: a particular form of presentation : GUISE 
3. dress aj 1: relating to or used for a dress  2: suitable for a formal 
   occasion  3: requiring or permitting formal dress {a ~ affair}