Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. swing                 
1. thrash \'thrash\ vb [alter. of thresh] 1: to separate the seeds of from 
   the husks and straw by beating : THR ESH 2: to beat soundly with or as if 
   with a stick or whip : FLOG; a lso : DEFEAT 3: to swing, beat, or strike in 
   the manner of a rapidly moving flail {R@ing his arms} 4a: to go over again 
   and again {~ the matter over inconclusively> 4b: to hammer out : FORGE {~ 
   out a plan}  1: THRESH 1  2: to deal blows or strokes like one using a 
   flail or whip  3: to move or stir about violently : toss about {~ in bed 
   with a  fever}
2. thrash n : an act of thrashing esp. in swimming the crawl or the 