Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. get                    2. reach                 
1. gain \'ga-n\ n [ME gayne, fr. MF gaigne, gain, fr. OF gaaigne, gaai]ng, 
   fr. gaaignier to till, earn, gain, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG weidano-n to 
   hunt for food, L vis power - more at VIM 1: INCREASE, PROFIT  2: the 
   obtaining of profit or possessions  3: an increase in amount, magnitude, or 
   degree; specif : the ratio  of increase of output over input in an 
2. gain vt 1a: to get possession of : EARN  1b: to win in competition or 
   conflict  1c: to get by a natural development or process : ACHIEVE {~R 
   strength} 1d: MAKE {~ a friend}  1e1: to arrive at {~ed the river that 
   night}  1e2: TRAVERSE, COVER {~ed 10 yards on the play> 2: to win to one's 
   side : PERSUADE  3: ATTRACT {~ attention}  4: to increase in {~ momentum}  
   of a timepiece  5: to run fast by the amount of {~s a minute a day}  1: to 
   get advantage : PROFIT  2a: INCREASE  2b: to increase in weight  2c: to 
   improve in health  of a timepiece  3: to run fast  : to make progress  - 
   gain ground 
3. gain n [origin unknown] 1: a beveled shoulder above a tenon  2: a notch 
   or mortise for insertion of a girder or joist