Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bay                    2. sorrel                
1. chest.nut \'ches-(.)n*t\ n [ME chasteine, chesten chestnut tree fr. MF 
   chastaigne, fr. L] castanea, fr. Gk kastanea 1: the edible nut of a tree or 
   shrub (genus Castanea) of the beech fa mily; also : a plant bearing 
   chestnuts or its wood 2: a grayish brown  3: HORSE CHESTNUT  4: a horse 
   having a body color of any shade of pure or reddish brown with m ane, tail 
   and points of the same or a lighter shade 5: a callosity on the inner side 
   of the leg of the horse  6a: an old joke or story  6b: something repeated 
   to the point of staleness 
2. chestnut aj 1: of, relating to, or resembling a chestnut  2: of the 
   color chestnut