Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. alone                 
1. des.o.late \'des-*-l*t, 'dez-\ aj [ME desolat, fr. L desolatus, pp. of 
   desolare to abandon, fr.] de- + solus alone - more at SOLE 1: devoid of 
   inhabitants and visitors : DESERTED  2: FORSAKEN, LONELY  3a: showing the 
   effects of abandonment and neglect : DILAPIDATED  3b: BARREN, LIFELESS  3c: 
   CHEERLESS, GLOOMY  - des.o.late.ly av
2. des.o.late or des.o.la.tor \-.la-t\ \-.la-t-*r\ \-.la-t-in-le-\ vt : to 
   make desolate :  : to deprive of inhabitants  : to lay waste  : FORSAKE  : 
   to make wretched  - des.o.la.ter n