Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ne.glect \ni-'glekt\ vt [L neglectus, pp. of neglegere, neclegere, fr. 
   nec- not] (akin to ne- not) + legere to gather - more at NO, LEGEND 1: to 
   give little attention or respect to : DISREGARD  2: to leave undone or 
   unattended to esp. through carelessness K, SLIGHT, FORGET mean to pass over 
   without giving due attention. NEGLECT implies giving insufficient attention 
   to something that has a claim to one's attention; OMIT implies absence of 
   all attention; DISREGARD suggests voluntary inattention; IGNORE implies a 
   failure to regard something obvious; OVERLOOK suggests disregarding or 
   ignoring through haste or lack of care; SLIGHT implies contemptuous or 
   disdainful disregarding or omitting; FORGET may suggest a willful ignoring 
   or failure to impress on one's mind - ne.glect.er n SYN syn NEGLECT, OMIT, 
2. neglect n 1: an act or instance of neglecting something  2: the 
   condition of being neglected