Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bare                   2. sterile               
1. bar.ren \'bar-*n\ \-*n-n*s\ aj [ME bareine, fr. OF baraine] 1: not 
   reproducing : as  1a: incapable of producing offspring - used esp. of 
   females or matings  1b: not yet or not recently pregnant  1c: habitually 
   failing to fruit  2: not productive : as  2a: producing inferior or scant 
   vegetation {~ soils}  2b: unproductive of results or gain : FRUITLESS {a ~ 
   schem e} 3: DEVOID, LACKING  4: lacking interest, information, or charm  5: 
   DULL, UNRESPONSIVE  - bar.ren.ly av
2. barren n 1: a tract of barren land  pl  2: an extent of usu. level land 
   having an inferior growth of trees or littl e vegetation