Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. swerve                
1. de.vi.ate \'de--ve--.a-t\ \-.a-t-*r\ vb [LL deviatus, pp. of deviare, 
   fr. L de- + via way - m]ore at VIA 1: to turn aside esp. from an 
   established way  2: to stray esp. from a standard, principle, or topic  : 
   to cause to turn out of a previous course  - de.vi.a.tor n
2. de.vi.ate \-ve--*t, -ve--.a-t\ aj : characterized by or given to 
   significant departure from the behavioral  norms of a particular society
3. de.vi.ate \-ve--*t, -ve--.a-t\ n : one that deviates from a norm; esp : 
   a person who differs marked ly from his group norm