Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dif.fer.ence \'dif-*rn(t)s, 'dif-(*-)r*n(t)s\ n 1a: the quality or state 
   of being different  1b: an instance of differing in nature, form, or 
   quality  archaic  1c: a characteristic that distinguishes one from another 
   or from the averag e 1d: the element or factor that separates or 
   distinguishes contrasting situa tions 2: distinction or discrimination in 
   preference  3a: disagreement in opinion : DISSENSION  3b: an instance or 
   cause of disagreement  4: the degree or amount by which things differ in 
   quantity or measure  5: a significant change in or effect on a situation 
2. difference vt : to make different