dif.fer.ent \'dif-*rnt, 'dif-(*-)r*nt\ aj [MF, fr. L different-, differens,
prp. of differre] 1: partly or totally unlike in nature, form, or quality :
DISSIMILAR)M {could hardly be more ~} 2: not the same : as 2a: DISTINCT {~
age groups} 2b: VARIOUS {~ members of the class} 2c: ANOTHER {tried a ~
book} 3: UNUSUAL, SPECIAL MVARIOUS mean unlike in kind or character.
DIFFERENT may imply little more than separateness but it may also imply
contrast or contrariness {different foods} DIVERSE implies both
distinctness and marked contrast; DIVERGENT implies movement away from each
other and unlikelihood of ultimate meeting or reconciliation; DISPARATE
emphasizes incongruity or incompatibility; VARIOUS stresses the number of
sorts or kinds {various methods have been tried} SYN syn DIFFERENT,