Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.cuss or dis.cuss.ible \dis-'k*s\ \-*-b*l\ vt [ME discussen, fr. L 
   discussus, pp. of discutere, fr. dis-] apart + quatere to shake obs  1: 
   DISPEL  2a: to investigate by reasoning or argument  2b: to present in 
   detail  2c: to talk about  obs  3: DECLARE  4: to consume with zest ourse 
   about in order to reach conclusions or to convince. DISCUSS implies a 
   sifting of possibilities esp. by presenting considerations pro and con; 
   ARGUE implies the offering of reasons or evidence in support of convictions 
   already held; DEBATE suggests formal or public argument between opposing 
   parties; it may also apply to deliberation with oneself; DISPUTE implies 
   contentious or heated argument - dis.cuss.able aj SYN syn DISCUSS, ARGUE, 
   DEBATE, DISPUTE mean to disc