Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. discuss               
1. de.bate \di-'ba-t\ n : a contention by words or arguments : as  : the 
   formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according  to the 
   rules of parliamentary procedure : a regulated discussion of a proposition 
   between two matched sides 
2. debate \-m*nt\ vb [ME debaten, fr. MF debatre, fr. OF, fr. de- + batre 
   to] beat, fr. L battuere obs  1: FIGHT, CONTEND  2a: to contend in words  
   2b: to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments  3: to 
   participate in a debate  1a: to argue about  1b: to engage (an opponent) in 
   debate  2: to turn over in one's mind  - de.bate.ment n