Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. give                  
1. pres.ent \'prez-*nt\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. presenter] : something presented 
   : GIFT 
2. pre.sent \pri-'zent\ vb [ME presenten, fr. OF presenter, fr. L 
   praesentare, fr. pr]aesent-, praesens, adj. 1a: to bring or introduce into 
   the presence of someone  1b: to bring (as a play) before the public  2: to 
   make a gift to  3: to give or bestow formally  4a: to lay (as a charge) 
   before a court as an object of inquiry  4b: to bring a formal public 
   charge, indictment, or presentment against  5: to nominate to a benefice  
   6: to offer to view : SHOW  archaic  7: PERFORM, PERSONATE  8: to aim, 
   point, or direct (as a weapon) so as to face something or in a  particular 
   direction 1: to present a weapon  2: to come forward or into view  - 
   pre.sent.er n
3. pre.sent \pri-'zent\ n 1: the position of a firearm ready to be fired or 
   of a lance or similar wea pon ready to be used in attack 2: the position of 
   present arms 
4. pres.ent \'prez-*nt\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L praesent-, praesens, fr. prp. 
   of praeesse]to be before one, fr. prae- pre- + esse to be - more at IS 1: 
   now existing or in progress  2a: being in view or at hand  2b: existing in 
   something mentioned or under consideration  3: constituting the one 
   actually involved, at hand, or being considered  4: of, relating to, or 
   constituting a verb tense that is expressive of pre sent time or the time 
   of speaking obs  5a: ATTENTIVE  5b: SELF-POSSESSED, COLLECTED  archaic  6: 
   immediately operative or effective : INSTANT  - pres.ent.ness n
5. pres.ent \'prez-*nt\ n obs  1a: present occasion or affair  pl  1b: the 
   present words or statements; specif : the legal instrument  or other 
   writing in which these words are used 2a: the present tense of a language  
   2b: a verb form in the present tense  3: the present time