Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. scatter               
dis.si.pate \'dis-*-.pa-t\ \-.pa-t-iv\ vb [L dissipatus, pp. of dissipare, 
   fr. dis- + supare to t]hrow; akin to ON sva-f spear, Skt svapu broom 1a: to 
   break up and drive off (as a crowd)  1b: to cause to spread out or spread 
   thin to the point of vanishing : MDISSOLVE 2a: to expend aimlessly or 
   foolishly  2b: SQUANDER  1: to separate into parts and scatter or vanish  
   2: to be extravagant or dissolute in the pursuit of pleasure; esp :: to 
   drink to excess - dis.si.pat.er n