Cross references:
1. distaff
1. spear \'spi(*)r\ n [ME spere, fr. OE; akin to OHG sper spear, L sparus,
Gk sp]aros gilthead 1: a thrusting or throwing weapon with long shaft and
sharp head or blade 2: a sharp-pointed instrument with barbs used in
spearing fish 3: SPEARMAN - spear.er n
2. spear aj [1spear] : PATERNAL, MALE {the ~ side of the family}
3. spear vt 1: to pierce or strike with or as if with a spear 2: to catch
(as a baseball) with a sudden thrust of the arm : to thrust with or as if
with a spear
4. spear n [alter. of 1spire] : a usu. young blade, shoot, or sprout (as of
5. spear vi of a plant : to thrust upward a spear