Webster's English Dictionary

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1. break \'bra-k\ \'bro-k\ \'bro--k*n\ vb or broke;  or bro.ken or 
   break.ing [ME breken, fr. OE brecan; akin to OHG brehhan to break, L 
   Xfrangere 1a: to separate into parts with suddenness or violence  1b: MAIM, 
   MUTILATE  1c: RUPTURE  1d: to cut into and turn over the surface of : PLOW, 
   : VIOLAT E, TRANSGRESS 1b: to invalidate (a will) by action at law  3a: to 
   force entry into  3b: to burst and force a way through  3c: to escape by 
   force from  3d: to make or effect by cutting, forcing, or pressing through  
   3e: PENETRATE, PIERCE  4: to make ineffective as a binding force : SUNDER  
   5a: to disrupt the order or compactness of {~ ranks}  5b: to end, close, or 
   destroy by dispersing {~ up the gang}  6a: to defeat utterly and end as an 
   effective force {~ a rebellion } 6b: to crush the spirit of  6c: to make 
   tractable or submissive : as  6c1: to train (an animal) to adjust to the 
   service or convenience of man  6c2: INURE, ACCUSTOM  6d: to exhaust in 
   health, strength, or capacity  7a: to ruin financially  7b: to reduce in 
   rank  8a: to turn aside the force or intensity of  8b: to cause failure and 
   discontinuance of (a strike) by measures outside  bargaining processes 9: 
   EXCEED, SURPASS {~ a speed record}  10: to ruin the prospects of  11: to 
   demonstrate the falsity of {~ an alibi}  12: to reduce the price of sharply 
    13a: to stop or bring to an end suddenly : HALT {~ a deadl ock} 13b: 
   INTERRUPT, SUSPEND  13c: to bring about suspension of operation {~ an 
   electric circuit } 13d: to destroy unity or completeness of  13e: to change 
   the appearance of uniformity of  13f: to split the surface of {fish ~ing 
   water}  13g: to cause to discontinue a habit  14: to make known  15a: to 
   find an explanation or solution for : SOLVE  15b: to discover the 
   essentials of (a code or cipher system)  16: to alter sharply the direction 
   or course of  17: to open the action of (a gun)  1a: to escape with sudden 
   forceful effort  1b: to develop or emerge with suddenness and force  1c: to 
   come into by or as if by bursting forth {day was ~ing } 1d: to act or 
   change with abruptness {~ing into laughter}  1e: to emerge from the surface 
   of the water  1f: to make a sudden dash  1g: to separate after a clinch in 
   boxing  2a: to come apart or split into pieces : BURST, SHATTER  2b: to 
   open spontaneously or by pressure from within  of a wave  2c: to curl over 
   and fall apart in surf or foam  3: to become fair : CLEAR {when the weather 
   ~s}  4: to give way in disorderly retreat  5a: to fail in health, strength, 
   vitality, or control {broke under  questioning} 5b: to become crushed by 
   grief, disappointment, or anguish  5c: to become inoperative because of 
   damage, wear, or strain  6: to undergo a sudden marked decrease in price or 
   value  7: to end a relationship, connection, accord, or agreement  8a: to 
   swerve suddenly  8b: to curve, drop, or rise sharply  9a: to alter sharply 
   in tone, pitch, or intensity  9b: to shift abruptly from one register to 
   another  10: to fail to keep a prescribed gait  11: to interrupt one's 
   activity or occupation for a brief period  12: to make the opening shot of 
   a game of pool  13a: to divide into classes, categories, or types {our 
   cases ~ up  into three types} 13b: to fold, bend, lift, or come apart at a 
   seam, groove, or joint  of cream  13c: to separate during churning into 
   liquid and fat  of an emulsion  13d: to separate permanently usu. into oily 
   and aqueous layers  14: HAPPEN, DEVELOP  1: to make a beginning  2: to get 
   through the first difficulties in starting a conversation or dis cussion : 
   to expel gas from the intestine  - break the ice 
2. break n 1a: an act or action of breaking  1b: the opening shot in a game 
   of pool or billiards  1c: the act of opening a gap in an electrical circuit 
    3: a condition produced by breaking  3b: a gap in an otherwise continuous 
   electric circuit  3: the act or action of breaking in, out, or forth  4: 
   DASH, RUSH {a base runner making a ~ for home}; Xesp : a quick offensive 
   thrust toward the basket in basketball 5a: the start of a race  5b: the act 
   of separating after a clinch in boxing  6: an interruption in continuity 
   {waiting for a ~ in the bad weathe r} : as 6a: a notable change of subject 
   matter, attitude, or treatment  6b1: an abrupt, significant, or noteworthy 
   change or interruption in a cont inuous process, trend, or surface 6b2: an 
   interruption from work or duty for rest or relaxation  6b3: a planned 
   interruption in a radio or television program {a ~ f or a commercial} pl  
   6c: a line of cliffs and associated spurs and small valleys at a mesa's edg 
   e or a river's head 6d: deviation of a pitched baseball from a straight 
   line  6e: DISLOCATION FAULT  6f: failure of a horse to maintain the 
   prescribed gait  6g: an abrupt change in the quality or pitch of a musical 
   tone  6h: a notable variation in pitch, intensity, or tone in the voice  7: 
   a rupture in previously friendly relations : disagreement causing sepa 
   ration 8: a sequence of successful shots in billiards : RUN  9: a place or 
   situation at which a break occurs :  9a: the point where one musical 
   register changes to another  9b: a short ornamental passage interpolated 
   between phrases in jazz  9c: the place at which a word is divided (as at 
   the end of a line)  9d: a pause or interruption (as a caesura or diaeresis) 
   within or at the en d of a verse 9e: a failure to make a strike or a spare 
   on a frame in bowling  10: a sudden and abrupt decline of prices or values  
   11: an awkward social blunder; specif : a gauche or imprudent comme nt 
   causing embarrassment 12: a stroke of good luck