Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. latent                
dor.mant \'do.r-m*nt\ aj [ME, fixed, stationary, fr. MF, fr. prp. of dormir 
   to sleep, fr. L dor]mire; akin to Skt dra-ti he sleeps 1: represented on a 
   coat of arms in a lying position with the head on the  forepaws 2: marked 
   by a suspension of activity : as  2a: temporarily devoid of external 
   activity {a ~ volcano}  2b: temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being 
   activated or resumed {a  ~ judgment} 3a: SLEEPING, DROWSING  3b: having the 
   faculties suspended : SLUGGISH  3c: having biological activity suspended : 
   as  3c1: being in a state of suspended animation  3c2: not actively growing 
   and typically protected  4: associated with, carried out, or applied during 
   dormancy {~ gra fting}