Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sense                 
judg.ment or judge.ment \'j*j-m*nt\ \.j*j-'ment-*l\ n 1a: a formal 
   utterance of an authoritative opinion  1b: an opinion so pronounced  2a: a 
   formal decision given by a court  2b1: an obligation (as a debt) created by 
   the decree of a court  2b2: a certificate evidencing such a decree  cap  
   3a: the final judging of mankind by God  3b: a divine sentence or decision; 
   specif : a calamity held to be s ent by God 4a: the process of forming an 
   opinion or evaluation by discerning and compa ring 4b: an opinion or 
   estimate so formed  5a: the capacity for judging : DISCERNMENT  5b: the 
   exercise of this capacity  6: a proposition stating something believed or 
   asserted  - judg.men.tal aj