Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sleep \'sle-p\ \'sle--.pli-k\ n [ME slepe, fr. OE sl-p; akin to OHG 
   sla-f slee]p, L labi to slip, slide and perh. to Gk lobos pod, lobe 1: the 
   natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers  of 
   the body are restored 2: a state resembling sleep : as  2a: a state of 
   torpid inactivity  2b: DEATH; also : TRANCE, COMA  2c: the closing of 
   leaves or petals esp. at night  3a: NIGHT  3b: a day's journey  - 
   sleep.like aj
2. sleep \'slept\ vb or slept;  or sleep.ing 1: to rest in a state of sleep 
    2: to be in a state (as of quiescence or death) resembling sleep  3: to 
   have sexual relations  1: to be slumbering in {slept the sleep of the dead} 
    2: to get rid of or spend in or by sleep  3: to provide sleeping 
   accommodations for {the boat ~s six>