Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ex.ter.nal \ek-'st*rn-*l\ \-*l-e-\ aj [ME, fr. L externus external, fr. 
   exter] 1a: capable of being perceived outwardly {~ signs of a disease}  
   1b1: having merely the outward appearance of something : SUPERFICIAL)M 1b2: 
   not intrinsic or essential {~ circumstances}  2a: of, relating to, or 
   connected with the outside or an outer part  2b: applied or applicable to 
   the outside  3a1: situated outside, apart, or beyond; specif : situated 
   away fr om the mesial plane 3a2: arising or acting from outside {~ force}  
   3b: of or relating to dealings or relationships with foreign countries  3c: 
   having existence independent of the mind {~ reality}  - ex.ter.nal.ly av
2. external n : something that is external : as  archaic  : an outer part  
   : an external feature or aspect - usu. used in pl.