Webster's English Dictionary

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1. la.tent \'la-t-*nt\ \-*n-tle-\ aj [L latent-, latens, fr. prp. of 
   late-re to lie hidden; aki]n to OHG luog den, Gk lanthanein to escape 
   notice : present but not visible or active {~ fingerprint ~ infect 
   ion}EYANT mean not now showing its presence or existence. LATENT applies to 
   a power or quality that has not yet come into sight or into action but may 
   at any time; DORMANT suggests the inactivity of something (as a feeling, a 
   power) as though sleeping; QUIESCENT suggests a usu. temporary cessation of 
   activity; POTENTIAL applies to what does not yet have being or effect but 
   is likely soon to have; ABEYANT applies to what is for the time being held 
   off or suppressed - la.tent.ly av SYN syn LATENT, DORMANT, QUIESCENT, 
2. latent n : a latent fingerprint