Webster's English Dictionary

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1. egg \'eg, 'a-g\ vt [ME eggen, fr. ON eggja; akin to OE ecg dege - more 
   at E]DGE : to incite to action 
2. egg n [ME egge, fr. ON egg; akin to OE -g egg, L ovum,] often 
   attrib Gk o-ion 1a: the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird 
   and esp. by domes tic poultry 1b: an animal reproductive body consisting of 
   an ovum together with its nut ritive and protective envelopes and being 
   capable of developing into a new individual capable of independent 
   existence 1c: OVUM  2: something resembling an egg  slang  3: FELLOW, GUY 
3. egg vt 1: to cover with egg  2: to pelt with eggs