Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. firm                  
1. hard \'ha:rd\ aj [ME, fr. OE heard; akin to OHG hart hard, Gk kratos 
   strength] 1: not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure  of 
   liquor  2a1: having a harsh or acid taste  2a2: STRONG; specif : having an 
   alcoholic content of more th an 22.5 percent 2b: characterized by the 
   presence of salts that prevent lathering with soa p {~ water} 3a: 
   characterized by radiation of relatively high penetrating power {@ X rays} 
   3b: having or producing relatively great photographic contrast {a ~R 
   negative} 4a: metallic as distinct from paper {~ money}  of currency  4b: 
   convertible into gold : stable in value  4c: being high and firm {~ prices} 
    5a: TIGHT {~ yarns}  5b: NAPLESS {~ woolens}  6a: physically fit {in good 
   ~ condition}  6b: HARDY  6c: free of weakness or other flaw  7a1: FIRM, 
   DEFINITE {~ agreement}  7a2: FACTUAL, ACTUAL {~ evidence}  7b: CLOSE, 
   SEARCHING {~ look}  7c: free from sentimentality or illusion : REALISTIC 
   {good ~)R sense} 7d: OBDURATE, UNFEELING {~ heart}  8a1: difficult to bear 
   or endure {~ luck ~ times}  8a2: OPPRESSIVE, UNJUST {~ greedy landlord}  
   8b: INCORRIGIBLE, TOUGH {~ gang}  8c1: harsh, severe, or offensive in 
   tendency or effect {said some ~R things} 8c2: RESENTFUL {~ feelings}  8c3: 
   STRICT, UNRELENTING {drives a ~ bargain}  8d: INCLEMENT {~ winter}  8e1: 
   intense in force, manner, or degree {~ blow}  8e2: ARDUOUS, STRENUOUS {~ 
   work}  8e3: performing or carrying on with great energy, intensity, or 
   persistenc e {~ worker} 9a: characterized by sharp or harsh outline, rigid 
   execution, and stiff dr awing 9b: sharply defined : STARK {~ shadows}  9c: 
   lacking in shading delicacy, or resonance {~ singing tone}  9d: sounding as 
   in arcing and geese respectively - used of (Xc and g 10a1: difficult to 
   accomplish or resolve : TROUBLESOME {~  problem} 10a2: difficult to 
   comprehend or explain {~ words}  10b: having difficulty in doing something 
   {~ of hearing} tion or effort. HARD implies the opposite of all that is 
   easy; DIFFICULT implies the presence of obstacles to be surmounted or 
   puzzles to be resolved and suggests the need of skill, patience, or 
   courage; ARDUOUS stresses the need of laborious and persevering exertion 1: 
   short of money  2: poorly provided  - hard up  SYN syn HARD, DIFFICULT, 
   ARDUOUS mean demanding great exer 
2. hard av 1a: with great or utmost effort or energy : STRENUOUSLY  1b: 
   VIOLENTLY, FIERCELY  1c: to the full extent - used in nautical directions  
   1d: INTENTLY  2a: HARSHLY, SEVERELY  2b: with rancor, bitterness, or grief 
   {took his defeat ~}  3: TIGHTLY, FIRMLY  4: to the point of hardness  5: 
   close in time or space