Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. free                  
1. in.de.pen.dent \.in-d*-'pen-d*nt\ aj 1: not dependent : as  1a1: not 
   subject to control by others : SELF-GOVERNING  1a2: not affiliated with a 
   larger controlling unit  1b1: not requiring or relying on something else : 
   not contingent {~  conclusion} 1b2: not looking to others for one's 
   opinions or for the guidance of one's  conduct 1b3: not bound by or 
   committed definitively to a political party  1c1: not requiring or relying 
   on others {~ of his parents}  1c2: making up a competence  1d1: refusing to 
   accept assistance or to be under obligation to others  1d2: showing a 
   desire for freedom and absence of constraint  cap  2: of or relating to the 
   Independents  3a: MAIN {~ clause}  3b: neither deducible from nor 
   incompatible with another statement {~  postulates} 3c: varying without 
   respect to other variables {in x=y2+3, y is the ~  variable} - 
   in.de.pen.dent.ly av
2. independent n cap  1: a sectarian of an English religious movement for 
   congregational autonomy  originating in the late 16th century, giving rise 
   to Congregationalists, Baptists, and Friends, and forming one of the major 
   political groupings of the period of Cromwell 2: one that is independent; 
   esp : one that is not bound by or defin itively committed to a political 