Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sufficient            
1. enough \i-'n*f; after t, d, s, z often *n-'*f\ aj [ME ynough, fr. OE 
   geno-g; akin to OHG ginuog enough; both] fr. a prehistoric Gmc compound 
   whose first constituent is represented by OE ge- (perfective prefix) and 
   whose second constituent is akin to L nancisci to get, Gk enenkein to carry 
   : occuring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully satisfy demand s 
   or needs
2. enough av 1: in or to a degree or quantity that satisfies : SUFFICIENTLY 
    2: FULLY, QUITE  3: in a tolerable degree 
3. enough n : a quantity that is enough : SUFFICIENCY