Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pay                   
sat.is.fy \'sat-*s-.fi-\ vb [ME satisfien, fr. MF satisfier, modif. of L 
   satisfacere, fr.] satis enough + facere to do, make - more at SAD, DO 1a: 
   to carry out the terms of (as a contract) : DISCHARGE  1b: to meet a 
   financial obligation to  2: to make reparation to (an injured party) : 
   INDEMNIFY  3a: to make happy : PLEASE  3b: to gratify to the full : APPEASE 
    4a: CONVINCE  4b: to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) : DISPEL  5a: 
   FULFILL, MEET  5b: to make true by fulfilling a condition {values that ~ an 
   equat ion} {~ a hypothesis} : to be adequate : SUFFICE; also : GRATIFY gs. 
   SATISFY implies full appeasement esp. of a need or requirement; CONTENT 
   implies gratification to the point where one is not disturbed or disquieted 
   even though every wish is not fully realized SYN syn SATISFY, CONTENT mean 
   to appease one's desires or longin