Webster's English Dictionary

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1. get \(')get; often git, without stress, when a heavily stressed syll\ 
   \(')ga:t\ \'ga:t-*n\ vb or got;  or got;  or got.ten or get.ting [ME geten, 
   fr. ON geta to get, beget; akin to OE bigietan to]able follows, as in "get 
   up"beget, L prehendere to seize, grasp, Gk chandanein to hold, contain 1a: 
   to gain possession of  1b: EARN  2a: to obtain or receive by way of benefit 
   or profit  2b: to achieve as a result of military activity  3: to obtain by 
   concession or entreaty  4a: to seek out and obtain {hoped to ~ dinner at 
   the inn}  4b: FETCH  5: BEGET  6a: to succeed in bringing or conveying  6b: 
   to cause to move {~ him out of the house}  6c: to cause to be in a certain 
   position or condition {got his fee t wet} 6d: to make ready : PREPARE  7a: 
   SEIZE  7b: OVERCOME  7c: to have an emotional effect on  7d: PUZZLE  7e: 
   IRRITATE  7f: to take vengeance on; specif : KILL  7g: HIT  8a: to be 
   subjected to {got a bad fall}  8b: to receive by way of punishment  8c: to 
   suffer a specified injury to  9a: MEMORIZE  9b: to find out by calculation  
   9c: HEAR  9d: UNDERSTAND  10: PRESUADE, INDUCE  11a: HAVE - used in the 
   present perfect tense form with present me aning {I've got no money} 11b: 
   to have as an obligation or necessity - used in the present perfect  tense 
   form with present meaning {he has got to come} 12: to establish 
   communication with  13: to put out in baseball  1a: to succeed in coming or 
   going {~ to the city}  1b: to reach a certain condition {got to sleep after 
   midnight}  2: to acquire wealth  3: to be able : CONTRIVE  4: BECOME {got 
   married last week}  5: to leave immediately {told them to ~}  GAIN, WIN, 
   EARN mean to come into possession of. GET is a very general term and may or 
   may not imply effort or initiative; OBTAIN suggests the attainment of 
   something sought for with some expenditure of time and effort; PROCURE 
   implies effort in obtaining something for oneself or for another; SECURE 
   implies difficulty in obtaining and keeping in possession or under one's 
   control; ACQUIRE often suggests an addition to what is already possessed; 
   GAIN adds to OBTAIN the implication of struggle and usu. of material value 
   in the thing obtained; WIN adds to GAIN the suggestion of favoring 
   qualities or circumstances playing a part in the gaining; EARN implies a 
   correspondence between the effort and what one gets by effort : to pursue 
   with exhortation, reprimand, or attack  : to achieve success  1: to get the 
   better of : CIRCUMVENT  2: EVADE  1: to reach effectively  2: to influence 
   corruptly : BRIBE  3: to turn one's attention to  4: to try to prove or 
   make clear {what is he getting at}  : to perform without suffering 
   unpleasant consequences  : to get revenge  : to repay in kind  : to receive 
   a scolding or punishment  : to produce an unfortunate effect on : UPSET  : 
   to make one angry or annoyed  1a: OVERCOME, SURMOUNT  1b: to recover from  
   2: to move or travel across  : to be successful  : to be successful  1: to 
   reach the end of : COMPLETE  2: to while away  1: BEGIN  2: to have an 
   effect on : INFLUENCE  1: to bring together : ACCUMULATE  2: to come 
   together : ASSEMBLE  3: to reach agreement  : to become aware of  - get 
2. get \'get\ n 1a: something begotten :  1a1: OFFSPRING  1a2: the entire 
   progeny of a male animal  1b: LINEAGE  2: a difficult return of a shot in a 