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Cross references:
  1. summon                
1. call \'ko.l\ vb [ME callen, prob. fr. ON kalla; akin to OE hildecalla 
   battle]herald, OHG kallo-n to talk loudly, OSlav glasubreve> voice 1a: to 
   speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance :  SHOUT 1b: 
   to make a request or demand {~ for an investigation}  of an animal  1c: to 
   utter a characteristic note or cry  1d: to get or try to get into 
   communication by telephone - often used wi th up 1e: to make a demand in 
   card games (as for a particular card or for a show  of hands) 1f: to give 
   the calls for a square dance  Scot  2: DRIVE  3: to make a brief visit  
   1a1: to utter in a loud distinct voice - often used with out  1a2: to 
   announce or read out loudly or authoritatively  1b1: to command or request 
   to come or be present : SUMMON {~)Red to testify} 1b2: to cause to come : 
   BRING {~s to mind an old say ing} 1c: to summon to a particular activity, 
   employment, or office  1d: to invite or command to meet : CONVOKE {~ a 
   meeting}  1e: to rouse from sleep or summon to get up  1f: to give the 
   order for : bring into action {~ a strike}  1g1: to make a demand in bridge 
   for (a card or suit)  1g2: to require (a player) to show the hand in poker 
   by making an equal be t 1g3: to challenge to make good on a statement  1g4: 
   to charge with or censure for an offense {deserves to be ~ ed on that} 1h: 
   to attract (as game) by imitating the characteristic cry  1i: to halt (as a 
   baseball game) because of unsuitable conditions  1j: to rule on the status 
   of {~ a base runner safe}  1k: to give the calls for (a square dance) - 
   often used with off  1l1: to get or try to get in communication with by 
   telephone  1l2: to deliver (a message) by telephone  1l3: to make a signal 
   to in order to transmit a message  1m: SUSPEND {time was ~ed while the 
   field was cleared)> 1n1: to demand payment of esp. by formal notice {~ a 
   loan}  1n2: to demand presentation of (a bond issue) for redemption  2a: to 
   speak of or address by a specified name {~ her Kitty} :  give a name to 
   2b1: to regard or characterize as of a certain kind : CONSIDER  2b2: to 
   estimate or consider for purposes of an estimate or for convenienc e 2c1: 
   to describe correctly in advance of or without knowledge of the event  : 
   PREDICT 2c2: to name in advance 
2. call n 1a: an act of calling with the voice : SHOUT  1b: an imitation of 
   the cry of a bird or other animal made to attract it  1c: an instrument 
   used for calling {a duck ~}  1d: the cry of a bird or other animal  2a: a 
   request or command to come or assemble  2b: a summons or signal on a drum, 
   bugle, or pipe  2c: admission to the bar as a barrister  2d: an invitation 
   to become the minister of a church or to accept a profess ional appointment 
   2e: a divine vocation or strong inner prompting to a particular course of a 
   ction 2f: a summoning of actors to rehearsal  2g: the attraction or appeal 
   of a particular activity, condition, or place  2h: an order specifying the 
   number of men to be inducted into the armed ser vices during a specified 
   period 3a: DEMAND, CLAIM  3b: NEED, JUSTIFICATION  3c: a demand for payment 
   of money  3d: an option to buy a certain amount of stock, grain, or other 
   commodity a t a fixed price or within a certain time 3e: an instance of 
   asking for something : REQUEST {many ~Xs for Christmas stories} 4: ROLL 
   CALL  5: a short usu. formal visit  6: the name or thing called {the ~ was 
   heads}  7: the act of calling in a card game  8: the act of calling on the 
   telephone  9: the score at any given time in a tennis game  10: a direction 
   or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmical ly called to 
   the dancers 11: a decision or ruling made by an official of a sports 