Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ex.pa.tri.ate \ek-'spa--tre--.a-t\ \(.)ek-spa--tre--'a--sh*n\ vb [ML 
   expatriatus, pp. of expatriare to leave one's own country, fr.]L ex + 
   patria native country, fr. fem. of patrius of a father, fr. patr-, pater 
   father - more at FATHER 1: to drive into exile : BANISH  2: to withdraw 
   (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native c ountry : to 
   leave one's native country; specif : to renounce allegiance  to one's 
   native country - ex.pa.tri.a.tion n
2. ex.pa.tri.ate \ek-'spa--tre--.a-t, -tre--*t\ \-.a-t, -*t\ aj : living in 
   a foreign country : EXPATRIATED  - ex.pa.tri.ate n