Webster's English Dictionary

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ban.ish \'ban-ish\ \-ish-m*nt\ vt [ME banishen, fr. MF baniss-, stem of 
   banir of Gmc origin; ak]in to OHG bannan to command - more at BAN 1: to 
   require by authority to leave a country  2: to drive out or remove from a 
   home or place of usual resort or continua nce : EXPELove by authority from 
   a state or country. BANISH implies compulsory removal from a country not 
   necessarily one's own; EXILE may imply compulsory removal or an enforced or 
   voluntary absence from one's own country; DEPORT implies sending out of the 
   country an alien who has illegally entered or whose presence is judged 
   inimical to the public welfare; TRANSPORT implies sending a convicted 
   criminal to an overseas penal colony - ban.ish.er n SYN syn BANISH, EXILE, 
   DEPORT, TRANSPORT mean to rem