Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. abdicate               2. abjure                
1. re.nounce \ri-'nau.n(t)s\ \-'nau.n(t)-sm*nt\ vb [ME renouncen, fr. MF 
   renoncer, fr. L renuntiare, fr. re-)X + nuntiare to report, fr. nuntius 
   messenger 1: to give up, refuse, or resign usu. by formal declaration {~ 
   his  errors} 2: to refuse further to follow, obey, or recognize : REPUDIATE 
    3: to fail to follow with a card from (the suit led)  : to make a renounce 
   or renunciation  - re.nounce.ment n
2. re.nounce \ri-'nau.n(t)s, 're--.\ n : failure to follow suit in a card 