ex.tri.cate \'ek-str*-.ka-t\ \.ek-str*-'ka--sh*n\ vt [L extricatus, pp. of
extricare, fr. ex- + tricae trifl]es, perplexities archaic 1a: UNRAVEL
1b: to distinguish from a related thing 2: to free or remove from an
entanglement or difficulty M, DISEMBARRASS mean to free from what binds or
holds back. EXTRICATE implies the use of force or ingenuity in freeing from
a difficult position or situation; DISENTANGLE and UNTANGLE suggest
painstaking separation of a thing from other things; DISENCUMBER implies a
release from something that clogs or weighs down; DISEMBARRASS suggests a
release from something that impedes or hinders - ex.tri.ca.tion n SYN syn