Webster's English Dictionary

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fla.grant \'fla--gr*nt\ aj [L flagrant-, flagrans, prp. of flagrare to burn 
   - more at]BLACK archaic  1: FLAMING, GLOWING  2: extremely or purposefully 
   conspicuous ously bad or objectionable. FLAGRANT applies to offenses or 
   errors so bad that they cannot escape notice or be condoned {flagrant 
   disobedience} GLARING implies painful or damaging obtrusiveness {a glaring 
   fault} GROSS implies the exceeding of reasonable or excusable limits {gross 
   carelessness} RANK applies to what is openly and extremely objectionable 
   and utterly condemned {rank dishonesty} - fla.grant.ly av SYN syn FLAGRANT, 
   GLARING, GROSS, RANK mean conspicu