Webster's English Dictionary

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1. burn \'b*rn\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG brunno spring of water, L 
   ferve-re to b]oil Brit  : BROOK, RIVULET 
2. burn \'b*rn\ \'b*rnd\ \'b*rnt\ \'b*r-n*-b*l\ \-nin\ \-nin-le-\ vb or 
   burned or burnt;  or burn.ing [ME birnen, fr. OE byrnan, v.i., brnan, 
   v.t.; akin t]o OHG brinnan to burn, L ferve-re to boil 1a: BLAZE  1b: to 
   undergo combustion  1c: to contain a fire {the stove is ~ing}  2: to 
   produce or undergo an effect suggestive of fire : as  2a: to feel hot  2b: 
   to become altered by or as if by the action of fire or heat; esp  : SCORCH 
   {crops ~ under a torrid sun} 2c: to die in the electric chair  2d: to 
   appear as if on fire : GLOW  1a: to cause to undergo combustion; esp : to 
   destroy by fire {R@ trash} 1b: to use as fuel {this furnace ~s gas}  1c: to 
   produce by the action of fires or heat {~ a hole}  2a: to injure or alter 
   by or as if by fire or heat  2b: EXHAUST, DISSIPATE  2c: to subject to 
   excessive speed or use  slang  3a: IRRITATE, ANNOY  3b: CHEAT  - burn.able 
3. burn n 1: an injury, damage, or effect produced by or as if by burning  
   2: the act, process, or result of burning