Webster's English Dictionary

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1. grant \'grant\ \-*-b*l\ \-*r\ \'grant-*r, -.o.(*)r; grant-'o.(*)r\ vt 
   [ME granten, fr. OF creanter, graanter, fr. (assumed) VL c]redentare, fr. L 
   credent-, credens, prp. of credere to believe - more at CREED 1a: to 
   consent to carry out or allow fulfillment of  1b: to permit as a right, 
   privilege, or favor  2: BESTOW, CONFER; specif : give the possession or tit 
   le of by a deed 3a: to be willing to concede  3b: to assume to be trueM 
   mean to give as a favor or a right. GRANT may apply to giving to a 
   petitioner, often a subordinate or inferior, something sought that could be 
   withheld; CONCEDE implies a yielding with reluctance to a rightful or 
   compelling claim; VOUCHSAFE implies a granting as a courtesy or as an act 
   of gracious condescension; ACCORD implies the sometimes reluctant granting 
   of what is due to someone because of his station or character; AWARD 
   applies to the granting of something merited or earned - grant.able aj SYN 
2. grant n 1: the act of granting  2: something granted; esp : a gift for a 
   particular purpose  3a: a transfer of property by deed or writing  3b: the 
   instrument by which such a transfer is made; also : the pro perty so 
   transferred 4: a minor territorial division of Maine, New Hampshire, or 
   Vermont orig. g ranted by the state to an individual or institution