Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. coarse                 2. flagrant               3. whole                 
1. gross \'gro-s\ aj [ME, fr. MF gros thick, coarse, fr. L grossus] archaic 
    1a: immediately obvious  1b1: glaringly noticeable {~ error}  1b2: 
   OUT-AND-OUT, UTTER {~ fool}  1c: visible without the aid of a microscope  
   2a: BIG, BULKY; esp : excessively fat  2b: growing or spreading with 
   excessive luxuriance  3a: of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects 
   or broad distinctions  3b: consisting of an overall total exclusive of 
   deductions {~ earn ings} 4: EARTHY, CARNAL {~er part of human nature}  5: 
   not fastidious in taste : UNDISCRIMINATING  6: lacking knowledge or culture 
   : UNREFINED  7: OBSCENE {a ~ expletive}  - gross.ly av
2. gross n obs  1a: AMOUNT  1b: an overall total exclusive of deductions  
   archaic  2: main body : MASS 
3. gross vt : to earn (an overall total) exclusive of deductions  - 
   gross.er n
4. gross n or gross [ME groce, fr. MF grosse, fr. fem. of gros] pl  : an 
   aggregate of 12 dozen things {~ of pencils}