Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. swing                 
1. flour.ish \'fl*r-ish, 'fl*-rish\ vb [ME florisshen, fr. MF floriss-, 
   stem of florir, fr. (assumed]) VL florire, alter. of L flore-re, fr. flor-, 
   flos flower 1: to grow luxuriantly : THRIVE  2a: to achieve success : 
   PROSPER  2b: to be in a state of activity or production {~ed around 1 850} 
   2c: to reach a height of development or influence  3: to make bold and 
   sweeping gestures  : to wield with dramatic gestures : BRANDISH  - 
   flour.ish.er n
2. flourish n 1: a period of thriving  2a: an extraneous florid 
   embellishment or passage  2b: an act or instance of brandishing : WAVE  2c: 
   a dramatic action