Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flow.er \'flau.(-*)r\ \'flau.(-*)rd\ \'flau.(-*)r-l*s\ \-.li-k\ n [ME 
   flour flower, best of anything, flour, fr. OF flor, flour], fr. L flor-, 
   flos 1a: BLOSSOM, INFLORESCENCE  1b: a shoot of the sporophyte of a higher 
   plant that is modified for reprod uction and consists of a shortened axis, 
   bearing modified leaves 1c: a plant cultivated or esteemed for its blossoms 
    2a: the best part or example  2b: the finest most vigorous period  2c: a 
   state of blooming or flourishing  pl  3: a finely divided powder produced 
   esp. by condensation or sublimation { ~s of sulfur} - flow.ered aj
2. flower \'flau.r-*r, 'flau.-*r-*r\ vi 1: to produce flowers : BLOSSOM  
   2a: DEVELOP {~ed into young womanhood}  2b: FLOURISH  1: to cause to bear 
   flowers  2: to decorate with floral designs  - flow.er.er n