Webster's English Dictionary

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1. around \*-'rau.nt\ av [ME, fr. 1a- + round] 1a: in circumference  1b: 
   in, along, or through a circuit  2a: on all or various sides  2b: in close 
   from all sides so as to surround  2c: NEARBY  3a: here and there in various 
   places  3b: to a particular place  4a: in rotation or succession  4b: from 
   beginning to end : THROUGH {mild the year ~}  4c: to a customary or 
   improved condition  5: in or to an opposite direction or position  6: 
2. around pp 1a: on all sides of  1b: so as to encircle or enclose  1c: on 
   or to another side of  1d: NEAR  2: in all directions outward from  3: here 
   and there in or throughout  4: so as to have a center or basis in 
3. around aj 1: ABOUT  2: being in existence, evidence, or circulation